New students receive a free trial class
Creative Dance
Little Groovers at your childcare centre
$12 per class and is billed by the term
Part payments are available upon request
Siblings $10 each per class.
Fees include concert preparation and costumes twice per year.
Afternoon classes
Annual registration fee
Class fees
Tiny Tots: $12 per class
All other classes:
30 minute class – $12 per class
45 minute class – $15 per class
Prep Hour – $16 per class
If doing more than one class:
2 x 30 minute classes – $22 total
3 x 30 minute classes – $28 total
1 x 30 minute class and 1 x 45 minute class – $24 total
2 x 30 minute class and 1 x 45 minute class – $32 total
Tiny Tots can pay weekly if your child needs time to settle in or if you are unsure if they will continue. Once you are sure you are continuing you will be billed for the term and rego fee charged.
Sibling discounted rates apply to a second child from the same family participating in afternoon classes:
30 minute class - $8 per class for second child
60 minute class - $12 per class for second child
If your child attends both afternoon classes at either Elanora or Varsity Lakes and Creative Dance at their childcare centre, there is a discounted rate for the childcare centre class - $8 per class
End of year concert costume hire fee
End of year concert video fee
Varsity Lakes
Class fees
45 Minute - $15 per class
30 Minute - $12 per class
How to Pay
An invoice will be emailed to you. Ensure littlegroovers@bigpond.com is in your contacts or safe list.
Payment can be made by:
Cash paid at childcare centre or at the studio (Elanora/Varsity)
Cheque made payable to Little Groovers Dance Co.
Direct Debit:
BSB: 484 799
Acc No: 607655045
Acc Name: Little Groovers Dance Co PTY LTD.
Credit card via the form below
Terms and conditions
If payment has not been made by the due date, a 10% late fee will be charged (fees due in week 2 of the 5 week block for childcare centres and by week 5 of the school term for afternoon classes at Elanora and Varsity Lakes)
If you have difficulty with paying fees, other payment options can be arranged as long as this is discussed with Little Groovers Dance Co. prior to the due date to ensure no late fee will be charged.
If your child misses a class due to illness etc, you will still be charged for the lesson. Your child has the option of doing make up classes at Elanora Primary School in the afternoon if they are available.
If you are going to be away on holidays for a lenghty period, please notify Little Groovers Dance Co. so that you will not be invoiced for that period.
Dance classes always break in the school holidays, for which time you will not be invoiced. We believe that it is good for children to have a break as they start back refreshed to enjoy dance again.
Dance classes do not take place on public holidays.
Fees include costume hire for the year and end of year certificate for the Creative Dance classes at childcare centres. Afternoon classes will have $25 per costume hire for end of year concert.